Tapa_Aceitunas Rellenas de Anchoa_Tapas_TapasFiestaTapas_AceitunasRellenas_TapasFiesta

Olives Stuffed with Anchovies

Olives stuffed with anchovies are the greatest of all Spanish tapas dishes. Created with care and attention, the exquisite combination of the best olives with tasty anchovies not only is delicious, but also rich in minerals and anti-oxidants.

8 raciones/portions
descripcion: Un clásico de la gastronomía mediterránea
descripcion_ingles: A classical in the Mediterranean gastronomy
imagenb: http://www.tapasfiesta.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Fiesta_Anchoas_C_TapasFiesta.png
unidades: 8 raciones/portions

Price: 1.00€


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